Store Opening Hours

Store Opening Hours


1. Login to Tictuk.
2. Find your store.
3. Click "Store" section (menu at the left side).
4. Scroll down to "Opening Hours".

White parts indicate that the store is closed.
Blue parts indicate that the store is open.


1. Click and drag to cover the area of time and days that you want the shop to be opened or closed. Alternatively, you can click each cell to mark it as opened or closed.
2. Click "Save All Changes" to save the changes.
3. Click "Publish" to publish the changes.
This setting works for the Pickup Store opening hours. By default, It will apply the same for the delivery hours. You may edit the delivery hours inside the delivery zone map.
You can set up opening hours for all stores at your MAIN ORG store.
If every store should have different hours, place the hours for each store manually.

If you have POS integration contact TicTuk team for assistance.


1. Find "Opening Hours" section.
2. Click "+ Add Temporary Event" at "New Event" section.

3. Complete relevant fields.
Write the event's name: put the name for the event.
Event starts at: put date and time when the event starts. Select the month and date at the calendar section. Use slider to adjust the time.
And ends at: put date and time when the event ends. Select the month and date at the calendar section. Use slider to adjust the time.

During this event, the store will be: select the relevant option.


4. Click "Apply" once all is done.

5. Click Save All Changes to save the changes.

6. Scroll up and click "Publish" to publish the changes.

Events, when the store is closed, are marked with red.
Events, when the store is open, are marked with green.
Event set up re-writes time settings for the store. At the event's date and time, the opening hours settings will be in accordance with the event set up.

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