Selection Blocks: Multiple Choice

Selection Blocks: Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice selection

This type of block allows the customer to choose multiple variants.
It can be used for mandatory or optional selections:

- Choosing add-ons/sides/drinks within a combo 
- Upgrades: Extra ingredients within an item (extra cheese for a burger , extra toppings on a pizza, etc)
- Upsells : Extra sides/ Extra Drinks/ Desserts

To create a Multiple select choices block follow these steps:

1. To create a selection block, click on the plus (+) sign which you can find under the image of the item.

2. After you click on the + symbol, the block configuration window will open- choose the block type: Multiple Choices.
3. Add a Title to the selection block that refer to the specific selection (Ex: ''Choose 2 sides'')
4. Click on  ''Existing Items as a Choice'', you will nest into the block the variants that were previously created inside an invisible section for this use. 
5. Delete the first available option that appears as ''Choice Name'' (using the trash can icon).

After these steps, the configuration differ according to the setting we need (mandatory or optional)

For Mandatory Selections 

1. Choose the default choice/es. Click on the box at the left of the item name to mark them as default.
2. The minimum/maximum choices for this item will depend on the number of mandatory choices.
3. After you finish configuring the block, click Apply, Save all Changes and then Publish.
4. Click Apply, Save all Changes and then Publish.
Ex: If there's a mandatory selection for 2 sides, the minimum and maximum should be set as 2.

For Upsells

1. Click on the 'UPSELL'' checkbox 
2. For each upsell item/choice, enter the extra cost that will be added to original item price.
3. We will need to configure the Minimum and Maximum upsell choices for the block, as is an optional the minimum will be always Zero.
4. Click Apply, Save all Changes and then Publish.

Ex: If the customer can choose 5 extra items, the minimum will be 0 (as this choice is optional), and the maximum will be 5.

For this setting, we don't mark defaults otherwise we will mark a forced sale

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