How to Set Up a Template Message Campaign (for WhatsApp)

How to Set Up a Template Message Campaign (for WhatsApp)

Template Messages are predefined messages that extend your Retargeting Campaigns outside of the 24 hour window, essentially acting like a tailored SMS while leveraging the reach and engagement of WhatsApp. They give you complete control over how and when to send a campaign, targeting specific users/customers on a specific day with a specific deal. 

PLEASE NOTE: In order to send Template Messages you must purchase a package worth a minimum of $1000; these packages are then converted to credits; the cost per Template Message depends on the rates in your country. Contact you customer success manager for the rates in your country and to learn more about how to purchase credits. 

How to Set Up a Template Message Campaign: Choosing Which Segment You Want to Target

1. On the dashboard, click the Retargeting Campaigns tab.


2. Next, select which segment you wish to target; for the purpose of this article, we will be targeting customers who have previously made a purchase but haven't engaged with WhatsApp/made another purchase for the previous 60 days.

PLEASE NOTE: You also have the option of selecting your segment via the Analytics tab on the dashboard. Further details provided at the bottom of this article. 

3. In the 'Target By Platform' section, make sure you select WhatsApp.

How to Set Up a Template Message Campaign: Creating the Campaign 

4. When creating the campaign itself, you need to complete the following details:
  1. TITLE - this is the first message the customer will see on WhatsApp
  2. SUBTITLE - this is the main body of your campaign
  3. CTA - create your CTA button  
  4. BUTTON ACTION - you have 3 options ('Start an instant checkout order (of a specific item); 'Start an order process with a coupon applied'; 'Start an order process (from the entire menu/catalog)'; in this instance, you would select 'Start an order process with a coupon applied'
  5. SELECT A COUPON - If your campaign involves a coupon, make sure it's selected here (and has been configured correctly)
  6. REF CODE - make sure to add a reference code in order to track results ('FORTYOFF1')
  7. IMAGE - add an image that relates to your offer

5. Name your campaign in the 'Additional Information' section at the bottom of the page; to help you keep track of all your different campaigns, consider giving them names that refer to the nature of each campaign:

So, for example, because this campaign involves sending Template Messages that offer a 40% discount to customers who haven't made a purchase in over 60 days, you may want to name it 'Template Message Offering 40% Discount to Customers Who Haven't Purchased in 60 Days'.

6. Add a title to the 'WhatsApp Template Name' section ('FORTY_OFF_1'). 

PLEASE NOTE: This title has to meet certain criteria; for example, it needs to be typed as 'FORTY_OFF_1' not  'FORTYOFF1'.  For further clarification please reach out to your customer success manager.

7. 'SAVE + PAUSE' your campaign, then alert your customer success manager; they will make the final configurations before letting you know when the campaign has been approved.

8. Once the campaign has been approved by Meta (it can take approximately 24 - 48 hours for a campaign to be approved), launch your campaign by unselecting 'PAUSED' (a) - then, click 'Save All Changes' (b).


PLEASE NOTE: it will typically take at least 2 hours for the campaign to actually launch.

9. Once the campaign has officially launched, you can monitor the performance via the Retargeting Campaigns tab (a) or by selecting a period of time and adding the campaign's REF code in the Analytics tab (b). Read on for more information regarding analytics and data).



How to Set Up a Template Message Campaign: Choosing Which Segment You Want to Target via Analytics

1. As mentioned earlier, you can also select the segment you wish to target via the Analytics tab: 

2. Please note that everything in the Analytics tab is clickable and therefore a source for a Template Message Campaign. For the purpose of this article, we want to base the campaign on users who didn't complete their order during a specified period of time, say between 07/01/23 - 08/01/23:

3. Make sure that in the 'Filter by channel' section, you select 'WhatsApp'.

4. After you have chosen the period of time and changed the 'Filter by channel' section to 'WhatsApp', click on DISPLAY RESULTS.

5. Click on SESSIONS.

6. Then click on 'Un-Successful Sessions Drill Down'.

7. Click on 'Re-Target These Users'.

8. You will then be redirected to the Retargeting Campaigns tab. Click 'Confirm'.

9. You will see confirmation of the segment you will be targeting. You do not need to change anything in the 'Select Engagement Period' section because you have already established which segment of your customers you will be targeting. From here, follow the exact same process described in the 'How to Set Up a Template Message Campaign: Creating the Campaign' section of this article. 

PLEASE NOTE: If anything is unclear or you require further assistance on setting up a Template Message campaign, contact your customer success manager.

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